My heart for Morris and Benji. Daisy. sighhh. The last sentence. Just everything.
I did spend a majority of the book in frustration over the love interest, but there you go, it was a learning experience for her. And quite honestly, haven't we all had one (or a few) of those? Admittedly, I was wondering why she was wasting her time on him, but I guess he was a good distraction? Idk, personally, he would have been too time consuming during a summer where I'd want to savor every moment.
Really though, this book isn't about the romance or the drama-breakups. It's about learning critical things that can only be understood through experience. Little realizations that make a world of difference in shaping one's philosophy. And that's what always makes a Dessen book work for me. They're real in that respect. The ordinariness of it all drives those realizations home, and Dessen does it so well in this book. Maybe I like this book so much because I've had similar realizations in my recent past. *shrugs*